Skyzone SKY04L LCOS FPV Goggles With Headtracker (Dimentions: 185*75*67mm, Power Supply: DC 6.5-25.2V/USB 5V, DVR: H264 / 30fps /MOV 6Mbps / SD Card support up to 128Gb, Resolution: 1280X960, Power Consumption: 720mA at 12V, Screen: LCOS, Language: 10 Language, Aspect Ratio: 4: 3/16: 9, Weight: 267g, Color: White, FOV(Diagonal): 39°, Item Name: SKY04L, Head Tracker: 3-axis Accelerometer / 3-axis gyroscope, Brand Name: Skyzone, Receiver: 5.8Ghz 48CH Steadyview Receiver, Interpupillary Distance(IPD): 58-71mm, Focus: -6~+6 adjustable).
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Price history (for all/most countries) for Skyzone SKY04L LCOS FPV Goggles With Headtracker is here. The lowest price was: $332.1.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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