$19.91 – 2 pcs. Astrolux E2145 4500mAh 28A 3.7V 21700 Battery Unprotected (Quick Discharge Current 20000mA (5.0C5rate), Quick Charge Current 4000mA (1.0C5rate), Nominal voltage 3.7V, Operating temperature “Charging: 0℃~45℃
Discharging: -20℃~60℃”, Weight Approx: 70±2g, Storage Humidity ≤75% RH, Storage temperature -5℃~35℃, Net weight 70±2g, Standard Discharge CC /0.2C5A / 3.00V, End-of-charge Current 0.02C5A (At CV mode), End-of-charge Voltage 4.20±0.05V, Standard Charge CC/CV /0.2C5A / 4.20V, Typical Capacity 4530mAh @ 0.2C Discharge, Minimum capacity 4500mAh @ 0.2C Discharge, Maximum instantaneous pulse discharge current 28000mA (7.0C5rate), Item Astrolux® E2145 4500mAh 28A 21700 Li-ion Battery, Initial Impedance Max: 20mW, End-of-discharge Voltage 3.00 V, Size / Length 71±0.6mm, Charging Time 8.0hours(standard charge), Size / Diameter 22±0.5mm).
Right now the best price with coupon code for 2 pcs. Astrolux E2145 4500mAh 28A 3.7V 21700 Battery Unprotected is $19.91 (in Banggood). Go down and check coupons out. Remember to check price history if it is available. Best price?
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Banggood ($19.91)
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Link: Banggood product page
Price: $19.91
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/i1u
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): FIN1087, BG2X2145, BGwhielabel, 4BLF, BGA2E2145, BG10OFFAFF1, BGTorch4, BG120118, 00c906, BGtorch2, BGtorch3, BGAlerabat15, BGtorch7, BGAlerabatI, BGASTC, BGtorch9, BG8Alerabat, BGLED07, BGOutlight10, BG2e848f, BG589b2e, BGcharles03, BGd57765
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Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 1 another warehouse/version!
1. Europe – 2 pcs. Astrolux E2145 4500mAh 28A 3.7V 21700 Battery Unprotected [EU] ($-3)
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