Flash Range < 20m, Capture mode Colorful mode at daytime / black and white mode at night, File format .MP4/H.265, Video resolution 2K/1080P/720P/VGA(480P), Motion Sensor 1xPIR, Photo resolution 30/24/20/16/12MP, Capture mode Camera/Video/Camera&video/Time lapse, Delay between each detection 1/5/10/30s / 1/5/10/30min, Detection Angle 120, Exposure Auto/100/200/400, Stamp Date / time / temperature and moon phase, Built-in Screen TFT 2 inch, External power jack DC 12V 1A(3.5x1.3mm), Infrat LEDs Low Glow LEDs, Detection Range Adjustable from 1 to 20m, Multi-shot mode Up to 9 photos per detection, Video length 5/10/30/60/90s, Alkaline battery 8pcs 1.5V AA battery, File format .JPG, Time lapse mode 5/10/30/60min, Trigger speed 0.2 second. You can create price alert here, copy coupons and view price history. Do you want to know what the best price is?
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Price: $-3
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We don’t have enough records in database to show price history for this item. BTW: We have only recorded this price: $133.99.
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