$121.35 – Astrolux EC01X SBT90.2 6800lm 3065m Flashlight (Banggood, Aliexpress: Astrolux® EC01X SBT90.2 6800LM 3065M Long Throw Flashlight with 32000mAh 46950 Battery Type-C Rechargeable Powerful LED Torch High Lumen Long Range Strong Light Search Lamp – Black (the best price with coupon)).
Right now the best price with coupon code for Astrolux EC01X SBT90.2 6800lm 3065m Flashlight is $121.35 (in Banggood). Check coupons or create price alert down below. Do you want to know what the best price is?
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Price: $121.35
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There is no way a flashlight with that small head can throw over 3,000 m. It would have to be an l e p light to be able to do that. SBT 90.2 is a great LED but it would have to be in the light with the head three times that big and deep to throw that far.
Looks like it’s a good idea to wait for a reviews