BETAFPV Meteor65 65mm Drone RTF Discount Price

BETAFPV Meteor65 65mm Drone RTF (Banggood, Aliexpress: , VTX&Camera: M01 AIO Camera VTX, Item: Meteor65 1S Brushless Whoop, FC&ESC: F4 1S Brushless Flight Controller V2.2, Motors: 0802 19500, Receiver: Frsky FCC, Battery: BT2.0 300mah 1S Battery, Flight time: 3: 30min-4min, Weight: 22.84g (without battery), Props: 31mm 3-blade props (1.0mm Shaft), Frame: Meteor65 65mm 1S Brushless Frame, Canopy: Canopy for Micro Cameras (the best price with coupon)).
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Other warehouses/versions

This item is available in 2 another warehouse/versions!
1. ChinaBETAFPV Meteor65 65mm Drone Fly More 6x Batteries ($-3)
2. EuropeBETAFPV Meteor65 65mm Drone RTF [EU] ($-3)

Price history and price alert

Price history (for all/most countries) for BETAFPV Meteor65 65mm Drone RTF is here. The lowest price was: $124.99.
Price records source(s): Banggood
Click on image to enlarge. Price history for BETAFPV Meteor65 65mm Drone RTF
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