$79.99 – C-160 Cargotrans Twin Hercules RC Airplane PNP [EU] (Banggood, Aliexpress: Steering gear: MG90S 9g *4, Outer package size: 22cm*22cm*72cm, propeller: 6030*2/6040*2, Wing area: 14.3dm2, Motor: 2208 1800kv *2 (2212 motor cannot be used!), Wingspan: 1120 mm, Full weight: 580g, ESC: 20A*2, Material: EPOS, Full length: 840mm (the best price with coupon)).
When I was updating this page the price was $79.99 for C-160 Cargotrans Twin Hercules RC Airplane PNP [EU] (in Banggood). It is from European warehouse! Basically copy coupon, view price history or create e-mail price alert. Do you want to know what the best price is?
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Banggood ($79.99)
Banggood warehouse is located in Europe . There are no coupons available at this moment in Banggood. Good or bad price? Sorry, but there’s no price history in my database.
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $79.99
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/feV
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGC160, BGC1602, AFfbG10, aff7off, BGAIRP12, 502C6B, BGOTC20, BGC1604, BGBFAFF2019, BGCITYADS2019, BGVDay10%off, Email5, BGAFF10OFF, bGhOnEy10, BGdragonBoat, bgshOOp10, BGRC902, BgoFErTaSchInA10, BgcLuBofErtA10, BG11PP12, BGCuponation10, BGPlane-10, BGHONEY2110, BGDAVIS, BGMATT7, Drones6, BGAir5, BGPlane12
(sometimes old coupons work, so you can check them out (this site checks them on every price update))
Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 1 another warehouse/version!
1. China – C-160 Cargotrans Twin Hercules RC Airplane PNP ($130.99)
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There is only one database record (it was for $65.69), so you can’t see price history chart.
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