$15.84 – Convoy S2+ SST20 Flashlight (Banggood, Aliexpress: current output 2800mA, Lens type Ar-coated glass, current output 1400mA, 7135x 6, Conductor current output 1050mA, Height 118mm / 4.65inch, Reverse polarity protection Yes, Driver 7135 biscotti firmware, Reflector Soft, Tailstand Yes, Type 7135x 3, Width 241mm / 9.49inch, Low warning voltage Yes, 7135x 4, current output 2100mA, 7135x 8, Memory mode Yes (the best price with coupon)).
The coupon price for Convoy S2+ SST20 Flashlight is $15.84 (in Banggood). Price history, coupons and price alert are available on this page. Let’s see what best price is ATM.
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Banggood ($15.84)
Banggood warehouse is located in China. There are no active coupons for this product, but the price is pretty low isn’t it? Is it a reasonable price for this item? Well, this price is higher than average price ($13.78)
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $15.84
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/i1u
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGCS2, 502C6B, CFCBG, BGSC2G, 2019FG, BGGS2, Cnys2, BGSM30%, BGF1111, BG0655, BG13TH, BGSPR, BGAFF10OFF, BGTT10, bGhOnEy10, cbrIDgTec, BGS2+SST20, BGTBD, BG14TH15, BGPL05, BGCZ1104, BG1128, BGBFC02, BGCJ08, BGCuponation10, BGHONEY2110, BG10OFFAFF1, BANGGOODSD, BGTorch4, 00c906, BGtorch2, BGtorch3, BGAlerabat15, BGtorch7, BGAlerabatI, BGfb51bc, FIN0411, BGOutlight10, BG75e21c, BG589b2e, BGa8e720, FM02986, BG1111B18
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Price history and price alert
Price history (for all/most countries) for Convoy S2+ SST20 Flashlight is here. The lowest price was: $12.5.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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