DQG XP-G2 Tiny AAA Titanium Flashlight (Banggood, Aliexpress: 2.5lumens(900mah battery), Switch Location: body side of the flashlight, Light Color: Cool white, Lumens: 60lumens, Weight: 9g, Lens: GITD Lens, Range: under 50meters, 90-CRI, Model: Tiny AAA/10440, Runtime: 1.5-60h, Reflector: PMMA reflector, Neutral white, Material: Titanium Alloy, Color: silver, Battery Configurations: 1x AAA/10440 battery (not included), Mode: High, Switch Type: rotation, Emitter Type: XP-G2, Low (the best price with coupon)).
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Here is price history (for all/most countries) for DQG XP-G2 Tiny AAA Titanium Flashlight. The lowest price was: $31.99.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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