$45.99 – Drillpro 125mm Brushless Angle Grinder with 1B [EU] (Banggood, Aliexpress: Drillpro 125mm 18V Brushless Blue+Black Angle Grinder Rechargeable Adjustable Speed Angle Grinder With Battery – One Battery (the best price with coupon)).
Drillpro 125mm Brushless Angle Grinder with 1B [EU] is for $45.99 (in Banggood). This is European warehouse! Price history, coupons and price alert are available on this page. What is best price?
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Banggood ($45.99)
Banggood warehouse is located in Europe . So I have checked for active coupons (all category coupons and old ones), but there was no working coupon in Banggood. Good or bad price? I don’t know if this is a good price – number of records in my database is too low!
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $45.99
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/feV
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGa9f173, BGPTL088, BGHITD21, BGHU2053, BGd8fabd, BGGines, BGd9c73d, BG9778ed, BG49023, BGPHOOL8, BGd7f727, BGbf8f6e, BG51943, BG989c1b, BGca4ef5, BGHPT15, BG43c375, BGc88c96, JanBGCoupon8, BGd95f8d, BG589b2e, BGSaleFeb8, BGSaleAD, BG402e3a, BG526cf4, BGMARCHSALE, BG83a4e3, BGc19071, BG20236Tool, BG7f8c54, BGPT07, BGCAPITALOS8, BGCOUPERT8, BG8FORMULAMX, BGBFDAY8, BGSPRING8OFF, BGHONEYSP, BGALL8, BGc409a1, BG187e50
(I don’t think these’re gonna work, but you can try ’em out anyway)
Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 2 another warehouse/versions!
1. Europe – Drillpro 125mm Brushless Angle Grinder with 2 Batteries [EU] ($54.99)
2. China – Drillpro 125mm Brushless Angle Grinder with 2 Batteries ($79.99)
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Price history and price alert
It’s a new item in our database, so I can’t create price history chart. We have saved this price in database: $39.99.
You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).