Language: Chinese/English/German/Italian/Russian, S/N Ratio: >60Db(AGC OFF), Net weight: 8.g, Signal System: PAL/NTSC (OSD Internal adjustable), Auto Gain Control(AGC): LOW/MIDDLE/HIGH, 000, Day/Night: Auto/Color/B*W, Lmage Sensor: 1/1.8″ Starlight level sensor, WDR: D-WDR, Day and night mode: Internal automatic/color mode/black and white mode, Dimensions: 19mm*19mm*19mm, Back light compensation(BLC): YES, The white balance: Automatic tracking white balance, Lens: 2.1mm/2.3mm (Optional), Electronic Shutter Speed: PAL: 1/50-100.000, Restore the factory Settings: OK, Power: DC 5V-30V, Horizotal Resoulution: 800TVL, Save the exit: OK, DNR: 3DNR, Video Settings: Contrast/sharpness/saturation/digital noise/video format (N/P)/digital wide dynamic, NTSC: 1/60-100, Min lllumination: 0.0001Lux/1.2F, Exposure: Brightness/exposure mode/gain.
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Price history and price alert
Here is price history (for all/most countries) for Eachine Bat 19S FPV Camera. The lowest price was: $11.8.
Price records source(s): Banggood Click on image to enlarge. You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).