EKEN H6S 4K Action Camera Black (Banggood, Aliexpress: Ambarella A12, 170 degrees lens, Battery Capacity (mAh): 1050mAh (the best price with coupon)). Just check coupons out (with price alert and history). Best price?
There’re some similar (or not) items on Aliexpress You can use link bot to get even lower price:
Banggood warehouse is located in China. Coupons for EKEN H6S 4K Action Camera Black? Nope, there’re no coupons in Banggood. I can’t tell you if this price is good – not enough records in my database, so I won’t judge.
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): 4a8254, BgAuMotor, b71c67, BGDreamH6s, 502C6B, BGAutos, BGAFF10OFF, BGdragonBoat, d58e53, BGSS10%SW, bGhOnEy10, bgshOOp10, BGCARPRO, BgoFErTaSchInA10, BGELIG0920, BgcLuBofErtA10, BG11PP12, BGCuponation10, 13f142, BGHONEY2110, BGa3b7ef, BGBICYCLES, BGd0b05d (system checks these coupons on every price check (like once per 24 hours), but you can check them out anyway)
Price history and price alert
There is only one database record (it was for $85.99), so you can’t see price history chart. You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).