$22.87 – EXCELLWAY 100A MPPT Solar Controller (Banggood, Aliexpress: Max. PV input power: 910W(12V) / 1820W(24V) (the best price with coupon)).
ATM you can buy EXCELLWAY 100A MPPT Solar Controller for $22.87 (in Banggood). Price history, coupons and price alert are available on this page. You probably want to know what is the best price?
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Banggood ($22.87)
Banggood warehouse is located in China. CouponsFromChina software could not find any coupon for this product in Banggood. Low/high price? The average price for this item is $24.66, so I think it’s a good price!
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $22.87
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/i1u
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGb41956, BG00c906, BG589b2e, BGc64a9a, BG1a177c, BGET12, BG88a03b, BGET10, BG424324, BGe245a9
(probably won’t work, but you can try them out)
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Price history and price alert
Here is price history (for all/most countries) for EXCELLWAY 100A MPPT Solar Controller. The lowest price was: $20.99.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).