GK66 USB-C Split-Spacebar Gateron Switch Keyboard (Banggood, Aliexpress: Brown Switch), Red Switch, ESC/FN Key is GKLC Dual Light Switch, Model GK66, Keycaps ABS, Key Number 66 Key, 380mA, Backlit RGB, Switch Gateron Optical Switch (Blue Switch, Brand Skyloong (Geek), Dimension 295*105*45mm, Connection USB Type-C Wired (Detachable), Power 5V, Cable Length 1.6M (the best price with coupon)).
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Price history (for all/most countries) for GK66 USB-C Split-Spacebar Gateron Switch Keyboard is here. The lowest price was: $39.69.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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