Happymodel Mobula 7 Drone Standard BB2 ESC 700TVL BNF (Banggood, Aliexpress: Item Name: 75mm Wheelbase 2S Brushless Whoop FPV Racing Drone, Wheelbase: 75mm, Basic Version: USB Charger, Heading LED Ready, Built – in Betaflight OSD (SPI Control), BLHELI_S pass-through Ready, Built – in Current meter Max 28A, Current meter scale set to 1175, – The difference of them are the package charger., Weight: 25.9g (without battery), Built – in Receiver (Different version having diffirent receiver), Built – in 5A (each) Blheli_S 4in1 ESC Dshot600 ready, Board size: 28.5x 28.5MM, Item Name: Crazybee F3 Pro FC, Power supply: 1 – 2S battery input (DC 3.5 – 8.7V), Sensor: MPU – 6000 (SPI connection), 256K FLASH), Version: Basic Version / Standard Version (Optional), MCU: STM32F303CCT6 (72MHZ, Built – in voltage detection, Crazybee F3 Pro Flight Controller: , Standard Version: 6 – way Charger, Built – in 5V 1A BEC with LC filter (the best price with coupon)).
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