JCD 8898 750W Soldering Station Hot Air [EU] (Banggood, Aliexpress: Temperature Range: 180°C-500°C, Soldering Iron: ESD design, Working Voltage: AC220-240V OR AC100-130V, Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz, Output Power: 80W, Temperature Stability: ±1°C, Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz, Air Flow: 150L/min (max), Heater Material: Ceramics, Working Voltage: AC220-240V OR AC100-130V, Temperature Stability: ±2℃, Output Power: 750W, Temperature Range: 100°C~480°C (the best price with coupon)).
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Check out price history chart (for all/most countries) for JCD 8898 750W Soldering Station Hot Air [EU]. The lowest price was: $27.99.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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