$113.84 – MAMBA F405 MK2 Flight Controller 50A (Banggood, Aliexpress: Blackbox: 16M Memory, IMU: MPU6000, BF LED: Yes, OSD: AT7456E, VTS Protection: Yes, Target: FURYF405OSD, MCU: STM32F405RGT6, Uarts: 3 Set, CURR Pad: Yes, Bluetooth: NO, BEC 3.3V: Yes, Motor: 4 Set, Buzzer Pad: Yes, RSSI Pad: Yes, Frequency: 168MHz, Weight: 7.5g, Input: 6S Lipo, Receiver: TBS/PPM/SBUS/IBUS/DSM, MB LED: No, Size: 38.0×38.0×7.0mm, Mounting: 30.5×30.5mm, Soft: Betaflight, ⌀ 3, BEC 9V: Yes, BEC 5V: Yes (the best price with coupon)).
What is the best price for MAMBA F405 MK2 Flight Controller 50A? I think it is $113.84 (in Banggood). Price history, coupons and price alert are available on this page. What is the best price?
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Banggood ($113.84)
Banggood warehouse is located in China. There are no active coupons for this product, but the price is pretty low isn’t it? Is it expensive? There’s only 1 record in my database, so I have no idea if the price is OK.
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $113.84
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/5cd
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGMK250A, bGhOnEy10, BGdragonBoat, BGSS10%SW, bgshOOp10, BGRC902, BgoFErTaSchInA10, BgcLuBofErtA10, 7d18f7, BGAFF10OFF, BGCuponation10, BGDAVIS, BGHONEY2110, BGESAMF2, Parts8, BGGAL8, BGJON8, BGRCParts8, Tabby20, BG1efeb0, MVC8SPRING, tRaDetRaCKeR, 8wEbgaInS5, Cuponation9, COUPONSDE1wk, BGGutscheine, BGToys8, BG8OFFCOUPON, TTBLACK5, JanBGCoupon8, BGSaleFeb8, BGSaleAD, BGMatt2022, BGToySale, BGAUGUST8, BGCAPITALOS8, BGCOUPERT8, BG8FORMULAMX, BGBFDAY8, BGNEWYEAR8, BGSPRING8OFF, BGHONEYSP, BGESJY8, BGALL8
(there’s a little possibility that old coupon will work)
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Price history and price alert
We don’t have enough records in database to show price history for this item. BTW: We have only recorded this price: $73.84.
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