MUSTOOL MDS120M Professional Digital Oscilloscope [EU] (Banggood, Aliexpress: Time base accuracy ±(0.01%+0.1div), Division Verical: ±3.8 Horizontal: 12, Vertical sensifvity rangex1: 50mV/div ~ 10V/div ;x 10: 500mV/div ~ 100V/div, Maximum real-time sampling rate 500MSps, Analog bandwidth 120MHz, Size 124 X 80 X 35mm, Display area 50mmx 40mm, Impedancex1: 1MΩ /x10: 10MΩ, Coupling method DC/AC, Time base range 6ns/div ~ 50s/div, Auto zero reference During DC meosurement, Trigger slope Rising / Falling, Vertical resolution 8 bits, Aulomatic measurement function Vpp / Vrms / Vavg / Vp / Vmax / Vmin /F /T /T+ /T-. Du+ / Du-, Trigger position ± 6div (0. 1div per step), Measuremer couocyy ±(5%+ 0.2div), Non. linearity ±1 bits, Battery 18650 lithium battery, Auto shutdown No operation for 15 minutes, Cursor function △V / △t / 1 / △t, Backlight White / brightness adjustable, Trigger level ±3.8div (0. 1div per step), Scan mode Auto/Single/Normal, Storage 2500 DSO waveforms, Use conditions 0C~ +40℃; < 75%RH, Auto configuration Automatically set time base and vertical amplitude, Vertical accuracy ±(5%+ 0.2div), Record length 12div, Display 320x240 LCD screen, Storoge conditions -10C~ +60℃; < 90%RH (the best price with coupon)).
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Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 1 another warehouse/version!
1. China – MUSTOOL MDS120M Professional Digital Oscilloscope ($58.99)
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