Samebike LO26 Moped Electric Bike 10.4Ah White (Banggood, Aliexpress: Fender: PVC mudguard, Battery: 10.4Ah Li-ion battery, Brake mode: front / rear disc brake, Motor rated power: 350W, Instrument: central LCD instrument with USB function, Charge time: 4 hours, Input voltage: 110 – 240V, Battery rated power: 499W, Maximum load: 150kg, Transmission: Shimano 21 speed, Maximum speed: 30km/h, Wheel size: 26 inch (the best price with coupon)).
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Check out price history chart (for all/most countries) for Samebike LO26 Moped Electric Bike 10.4Ah White. The lowest price was: $649.99.
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