Emax ECO Series 2306 4S/6S RC Motor [EU] (Banggood, Aliexpress: No. of cells: 3-4s 2300-2700kv range, No. of cells: 3-6s 1500-1900kv range, Propeller: 5″ – 5.5″, Shaft Thread: CW, Light Weight: 27.9g (W/O Silicone Wire), 2400KV (option), Bearing Shaft: 4mm, Framework: 12N14P, Diameter: 27.7mm, KV: 1700KV, Length: 30.2mm, Prop adapter: M5 (the best price with coupon)).
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Banggood warehouse is located in Europe . I’m afraid that there’s no working coupon in Banggood. This is new product in my database, so I don’t know if this price is good.
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $-3
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Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 1 another warehouse/version!
1. China – Emax ECO Series 2306 4S/6S RC Motor ($-3)
Price history and price alert
Well, you won’t see price history chart, coz we have only 1 database record for this item (and price was $9.69).
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