Idle Current @12.6v (Io) 0.76 A, Motor Dimension 27x18mm, Shaft Diameter 3mm, Motor Wire Length 160mm, Bearings Stainless Steel Bearings, Internal Resistance (Rm) 240mΩ, Windings 8 turn DLRK, Configuration 12N14P, Max Efficiency Current (2.2-6A) 80%, Max Burst Current <10s 35A, Weight 27g, Kv 2650, Termination D (Delta), Motor Connection Bare Wire, Cells (LiPo) 2-4S, Stator Diameter 22mm, Max Continuous Current (A) 60s 25A, Max Continuous Power (W) 60s 400W. Just check coupons out (with price alert and history). What is the best price?
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