$24.07 – Astrolux C8 XP-L HI 1A 6500K-7000K Silver Flashlight (Banggood, Aliexpress: Emitter Type: XP-L HI, Circuit Driver: A17DD-L FET+1 Driver, 3B Yellow light, Range: 639meter, 1A Cool light, Impact Resistant 1.5M, 3A(5500K), 3B (5000-5500K), 3A Yellow light, Peak Beam Intensity: 102000cd, 1A (6500K-7000K), Max Output: 1300Lumens (the best price with coupon)). Right now the best price with coupon code for Astrolux C8 XP-L HI 1A 6500K-7000K Silver Flashlight is $24.07 (in Banggood). Basically copy coupon, view price history or create e-mail price alert. Let’s see what best price is ATM. Latest price update (UTC time):
Banggood ($24.07)
Banggood warehouse is located in China. I don’t think there is an active coupon right now – at least in my database. Good or bad price? Well, this price is higher than average price ($15.93)
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGASC8, linepayflt, EYBG, FINAC8, 8a955d, 502C6B, BGTORCH, BGBFCR40, FAC8, AXMAS, BGCL, BGASTROLUX, BGAST25, BGAFF10OFF, BGCuponation10, 4BLF, BGHONEY2110, BG10OFFAFF, BGsalamtak, BGwhielabel, BGflashlight, BG10OFFAFF1, BANGGOODSD, BGTorch4, BGASTB, FIN5294, BGAlerabat15, BGtorch7, BGtorch2, BGAlerabatI, BG589b2e, BGd57765, BGTORCH10 (these codes were not working in latest coupon update, but you can check them out anyway)
Here is price history (for all/most countries) for Astrolux C8 XP-L HI 1A 6500K-7000K Silver Flashlight. The lowest price was: $15.49.
Price records source(s): Banggood Click on image to enlarge. You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).
$24.07 – Astrolux C8 XP-L HI 3A 5500K Silver Flashlight (Banggood, Aliexpress: Circuit Driver: A17DD-L FET+1 Driver, 3B Yellow light, Impact Resistant 1.5M, Max Output: 1300Lumens, 1A Cool light, Peak Beam Intensity: 102000cd, 3A(5500K), 3B (5000-5500K), 3A Yellow light, Range: 639meter, Emitter Type: XP-L HI, 1A (6500K-7000K) (the best price with coupon)). Use coupon and get Astrolux C8 XP-L HI 3A 5500K Silver Flashlight for $24.07 (from Banggood). Basically copy coupon, view price history or create e-mail price alert. What is the best price? Latest coupon and price update (UTC):
Banggood ($24.07)
Banggood warehouse is located in China. CouponsFromChina software could not find any coupon for this product in Banggood. Good or bad price? I don’t know if this is a good price – number of records in my database is too low!
Well, you won’t see price history chart, coz we have only 1 database record for this item (and price was $16.15). You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).