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Certification CE FCC RoHS FDA PSE, Laser Protective Cover Protect the user’s eyes and prevent pets from grabbing the laser spot., Electric Power 60W, Input Format NC / BMP / JPG / PNG / DXF / etc., Output Voltage DC12V / 5A, Focusing Method Fixed Focus Laser / No Need to Focus, Laser Output Power 10-11W, Data Transmission Method USB Connection, Engraving Accuracy 0.01mm, Input Voltage AC100-240V / 50/60Hz, Wave Length 445 ± 5nm, Operating Software LaserGRBL / LightBurn / support Win XP / Win 7 / Win 8 / XP / Win 10 system.
Banggood warehouse is located in Europe . I’m afraid that there’s no working coupon in Banggood.
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $-3
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Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 1 another warehouse/version!
1. China – Enjoywood CEL-E10 Laser Engraver 10W ($-3)
Price history and price alert
Price history (for all/most countries) for Enjoywood CEL-E10 Laser Engraver 10W [EU] is here.
Price records source(s): Banggood
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