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Max speed 30km/h, Weight 25kg, Charging Time 6-8 Hours, Shock Absorber Front & Rear Shock Absorber, Motor power 350W, Max load 100kg, Color Black, Brand TOODI TD-E202-A, Light Front Light, Material Aluminum alloy, Capacity 36V, 10Ah, Wheel 10inch, Mileage 30-35km
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Link: Banggood product page
Price: $-3
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Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): BGTDE202AEU, BGAFF7OFF, BGAFF10OFF, 7bcdf9, BGEBSC15, BG00c906, 2022ACTIESNL, tRaDetRaCKeR, BG8ReviTrage
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Price history and price alert
Check out price history chart (for all/most countries) for TOODI TD-E202-A 36V 10Ah 350W Electric Scooter [EU].
Price records source(s): Banggood
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