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Option3: Crazybee F4DX PRO FC built-in Serial-bus DSM2/DSMX RX, 1x 3S 11.4v 300mah 40C/80C battery, 1x 5.8G 40ch 25mw-200mw VTX, 1x Screwdriver, 1x Caddx Turtle v2+1080p 60fps DVR, 4x 1102 KV9000 Motor, Option2: Crazybee F4FS V2.0 PRO FC built-in Flysky RX, 1x UR85HD 85mm Frame, 1x Option1: Crazybee F4FR V2.0 PRO FC built-in Frsky NON-EU RX, 1x Propeller disassemble tool, 1x 1.9inch propeller(4cw+4ccw), Option4: Crazybee F4 V2.0 PRO FC no RX verion
Banggood warehouse is located in Europe . As you can see I didn’t find any active coupon for this product right now… I don’t want to misguide you about the price. I don’t know if it’s good, because I don’t have enough records in my database…
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $-3
It looks like this item is out of stock in Banggood. If you found it then please send me the link. I will replace it.
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Exclusive Allowance Coupons: and
Old coupons (from the oldest to the newest): d8f2bb, 25E1DD, UR85, TTxBG10, uruav85, BUSHIDO, BGUR85, BGBSD, bgssaff9, BGur85hd, AFfbG10, BGCC85, BG25ur85hd, BG30UR, BGANUR85, BG30UR85, BGNDUR85, 28RC, BGUR85HD30, BG11UR85, BGBFUR85, BGCZUR85, BGSLUR85, bGhOnEy10, BGUR8530, bgshOOp10, BgoFErTaSchInA10, BGHALLOWEEN, BgcLuBofErtA10, BGAFF10OFF, 7bcdf9, BGUR8512, BGa920fe, BGd6f138
(there’s a little possibility that old coupon will work)
Other warehouses/versions
This item is available in 6 another warehouse/versions!
1. China – URUAV UR85HD Bushido 85mm Drone FRSky ($-3)
2. China – URUAV UR85HD Bushido 85mm Drone PNP ($-3)
3. China – URUAV UR85 Bushido 85mm Drone PNP ($-3)
4. China – URUAV UR85 Bushido 85mm Drone FRSky ($-3)
5. Europe – URUAV UR85 Bushido 85mm Drone PNP [EU] ($-3)
6. Europe – URUAV UR85HD Bushido 85mm Drone FRSky [EU] ($-3)
Price history and price alert
Well, you won’t see price history chart, coz we have only 1 database record for this item (and price was $94.49).
You can set price alert (for Banggood and Aliexpress (only if product name will be the same as on Banggood and I will post it on social media though, so it’s more like Banggood price alert)).