$59.99 – Xiaomi Power Bank 3 PLM18ZM 20000mAh 18W Power Bank (Banggood, Aliexpress: Model: PLM18ZM, Three ports: 5V/3.6A, Rated capacity: 12000mAh (5V/3.6A), Power (W): 18W MAX, Material: ABS, Input: USB-C: 5V/3A 9V/2A 12V/1.5A, Battery energy: 74Wh/3.6V 20000mAh, USB-A (single port): 5V-2.4A 9V/2A 12V/1.5A, Micro: 5V/2A 9V/2A 12V/1.5A, Output: , Type: Portable Mobile Powers, Working temperature: 5-35 Deg.C, USB-C: 5V/3A 9V/2A 12V/1.5A (the best price with coupon)).
Right now the best price with coupon code for Xiaomi Power Bank 3 PLM18ZM 20000mAh 18W Power Bank is $59.99 (in Banggood). Go down and check coupons out. Remember to check price history if it is available. Let’s see what best price is ATM.
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Banggood ($59.99)
Banggood warehouse is located in China. I can’t find any active coupons for this product in Banggood. Good or bad price? I don’t want to misguide you about the price. I don’t know if it’s good, because I don’t have enough records in my database…
Link: Banggood product page
Price: $59.99
Exclusive Allowance Coupons: https://bit.ly/3xWgD9k and https://couponsfromchina.com/short/i1u
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It’s a new item in our database, so I can’t create price history chart. We have saved this price in database: $25.99.
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