ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 RC Car RTR Discount (Price $127.99)

$127.99 – ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 RC Car RTR (Banggood, Aliexpress: Using time: about 20minutes, Wheel diameter: 70mm, Wheelbase: 180mm, Motor: B2435 brushless 3300KV motor, Item No: 9051, Control distance: about 150m, Max speed: 55km/h ESC: brushless 35A esc, Drive system: 4 wheel drive, Scale: 1/16, Charging time: about 150minutes, Frequency: 2.4G, Color: Black and blue, Battery: 4X AA(not included) Battery: 7.4V 1500mAh liPo battery (included), Servo: Metal gear 2.2KG servo, Package size: 29 * 24.5 * 20cm / 11.4 * 9.7 * 7.9inch, Ground clearance: 23mm, Car size: 279*187*106mm, Wheel width: 25mm, Material: Metal+plastic, Channel: 3CH, Gear ratio: 10.5: 1, Brand: ZD Racing (the best price with coupon)).
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Banggood ($127.99)

Banggood warehouse is located in China. Coupons for ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 RC Car RTR? Nope, there’re no coupons in Banggood. Is it a reasonable price for this item? From what I can see this price is higher than average price ($80.49).

Link: Banggood product page
Price: $127.99

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ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 1/16 2.4G 4WD 55km/h Brushless Racing RC Car Off-Road Buggy RTR Toys Red Blue Models Kids Gift ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 1/16 2.4G 4WD 55km/h Brushless Racing RC Car Off-Road Buggy RTR Toys Red Blue Models Kids Gift $286.65

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Price history and price alert

Price history (for all/most countries) for ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 RC Car RTR is here. The lowest price was: $78.19.
Price records source(s): Banggood
Click on image to enlarge. Price history for ZD Racing RAPTORS BX-16 9051 RC Car RTR
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